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How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting

If you've just brought a new puppy home, you're likely going to catch them chewing, nipping, and biting everyone and everything in sight as they go through their teething process. In today's post, our Brentwood vets discuss why your puppy may be biting, and share some tips on how to stop this behavior. 

Why does my puppy keep biting me? 

Dogs, especially curious puppies, use their mouths to interact with the world around them. Keep in mind that it's normal for puppies to go through a biting phase as they develop, and they don't typically bite out of hate or anger. Anyone who has raised a puppy has experienced biting in one way, shape, or form. 

The primary reasons a puppy bites are curiosity and to help soothe their sore gums during the teething process. 

How long does the biting stage last?

Though every puppy is different, on average you can expect this phase to last between three and six months. We understand that this can be a very frustrating time for new dog owners, but try not to become too overwhelmed or concerned. This stage will pass and we are here to share some tips and tricks to help get your puppy's biting under control. 

How to Stop a Puppy From Biting 

While biting isn't something to worry too much about initially, it can become a destructive, lifelong habit if it's not handled properly in your puppy's formative stages of development. It's important to help your puppy curb their 'mouthy' behavior. You have various options to reduce or eliminate your puppy's biting habits. If you're not sure how to stop puppy biting, try some of the following techniques. 

Redirect Your Puppy's Behavior 

If you suspect your puppy's biting is happening because they are bored or their mouths are sore due to teething, begin by redirecting their behavior away from you or items around the house to a toy or something they are allowed to chew on. 

Encourage non-contact types of play, such as tug-of-war and fetch, rather than rough play and wrestling with your hands. Once your puppy can play and tug safely, keep tug toys on hand if you're on a walk, or ready to grab from a toy bin. If they start to mouth you, you can immediately redirect them to a tug toy. 

Whenever your pup ambushes you, stop moving instantly, take out the tug toy and wave it enticingly. When your puppy grabs the toy, you can start playing or walking again. 

Teach Your Puppy Bite Inhibition 

It's very important for all dogs to learn how to moderate the force of a bite. There may come an occasion when they're fearful or in pain, and they put their mouth on you or someone else. However, if they've learned bite inhibition, they understand that they shouldn't bite down hard. 

Puppies naturally nip at each other while playing. If they bite their mother or a littermate too hard, the other dog will likely yelp loudly to warn the puppy that the force of their bite hurt. 

Depending on the dog, you can teach this as well by making a high-pitched "ow" sound when they bite you. Be cautious though – some dogs get even more worked up and are likely to keep biting. In this case, it's better to turn quietly around, walk away, or gently put your pup into their crate for a few minutes to calm down. If they do back off, reward your dog with some verbal praise and a treat. 

Offer Them Quiet Time or a Potty Break

If your puppy is biting excessively, put them in their crate to give them a chance to unwind. You don't want your puppy to associate the crate with punishment, so remain as calm as possible. Once the pup calms down after 10 minutes or so, you can let them out.

Sometimes a biting puppy is an over-tired puppy, and they need to be put in a quiet space or crate to take a nap. Other times, they may need a potty break or just be hungry or thirsty.

Let Them Spend Energy on Playtime

Giving your puppy lots of exercise can be one of the best ways to stop puppy biting. Exercising a puppy is one of the best ways to help alleviate problem behaviors such as biting. Often, puppies act out when they haven’t had enough physical and mental stimulation.

Reinforce the Behaviors You Want

We sometimes forget that when our puppy is calm and quiet, we should reinforce that with a “good dog”, a piece of kibble, and/or a pat. You’ll help them learn what behaviors you’re looking for through positive reinforcement.

Sign Yourself & Your Puppy Up for a Training Class 

Taking your new puppy to a dog training class can be a safe and effective means of socialization and professional dog trainers can give you tips that can help curb your puppy's problematic behaviors such as biting. They have spent years learning how to train a puppy not to bite, so save yourself some frustration, and let the professionals take sure pressure off of you.

Never Get Frustrated

There will be times when you've reached your wit's end, but it is so important to stay calm and never get mad at your puppy. They are still trying to figure out the world around them, and they look to you to guide them. If you express your frustration toward them, it could cause them to fear you or weaken your bond, which is the opposite of what you want.

Know the Difference Between Play Biting & Aggression

Most puppy nipping and biting are normal behaviors that they will outgrow. However, some puppies bite out of fear or frustration, and this type of biting can be an indication of future aggression.

Just like human children, puppies sometimes have temper tantrums when you make them do something they don't want to do or during play. A puppy temper tantrum is more severe and aggressive than a playful mouthing, but it can be difficult to tell the difference between them. In most cases, a playful puppy will have a relaxed body and face, whereas a puppy having a temper tantrum will have more of a stiff or frozen appearance. They may also pull their lips back to expose their teeth or growl when in a tantrum, and tantrum-induced bites will likely be much more painful than normal mouthing during play.

If you’re holding or handling your puppy and they start to throw a temper tantrum, avoid yelping like you’re hurt. This can cause your puppy to continue or intensify the behavior. Instead, be very calm and unemotional, and hold them firmly without constriction until they stop struggling. Just be sure not to restrain them too tight or hurt them during the process.

After they've calmed down for a few consecutive seconds, let them go. Then make plans to contact a qualified professional for help. Repeated bouts of biting in frustration are not something that the puppy will simply grow out of, so your puppy’s behavior should be assessed and resolved as soon as possible. If you need assistance curbing this behavior, consider seeking a qualified, professional dog trainer or behavior specialist. 

Ask Your Vet Any Questions You May Have

Sometimes, you might wonder if your puppy is developing normally. Perhaps you might have questions about their teeth and how to care for them, what toys are safest, or how to curb or encourage certain habits. Our vets at  Brentwood Veterinary Clinic are committed to your puppy's healthy growth, and to providing the best possible care from their puppy years through adulthood and right into their senior years. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We can help you find answers and resolve issues, or refer you to other professionals or specialists who can help. 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet for an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition.

Is it time to book your new puppy's first vet visit? Contact our Brentwood vets to book an appointment for your canine friend. We can perform a physical exam and offer advice on curbing any unwanted behaviors. 

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